Let’s take a deep dive in to how to tap in to the nutrient density of those foods that come from the ocean, and why they are so specific to thyroid support.
This is how we reduce your body's burden of stress, and support your metabolic health.
⚡️ Explore how nutrient deficiency contributes to thyroid troubles
⚡️ Learn how this impacts your metabolism
⚡️ Appreciate how we come from the ocean - why it's important to weave back in to it
⚡️ Understand why nutrient deficiencies can be a driver of your body's overall burden of stress
This is a class for those who say yes to:
metabolism is off
low energy
brain fog
stamina is low / feel stress keenly
weight gain
cold hands / feet
hair thinning
cracked heels
dry skin
Hashimoto's diagnosis
Graves diagnosis
hypothyroiditis diagnosis
you have goitres
you are taking Synthroid, Levothyroxine or desiccated thyroid
mood troubles
digestion not working (undigested food in your stool)
bone density issues: osteoporosis / osteopenia
dull aches and pains
libido is waning
fertility is struggling
period issues: erratic periods, painful periods, slow onset of menarche
breast cancer (in some cases)
cholesterol levels are elevated
you have leaky gut
you have histamine issues!
keloids / scars that heal extra big
adrenal fatigue
Wednesday March 15th, 9am Alberta time
1.5 hours
$25 for the class
Free to those in the GoodFood Network
Replay available for two weeks afterwards
Recipes provided too