Diving deep into the blood sugar / heart connection.
Because this is how we create biochemical safety in the body, kittens.
Who should take this class? Do you say yes to at least one of the following:
elevated cholesterol numbers
family history of heart attacks or strokes
hardening of the arteries
ever had a stroke or a heart attack
high or low blood pressure
blood clotting issues
struggle with fatigue
do you have Type II Diabetes
Then sign up for this class today. Register here.
What you can expect in this class:
⚡️ Explore all the moving pieces to heart health, and all contributing organs and systems when troubles arise
⚡️ Learn how blood sugars out of balance are one of the major drivers to heart troubles
⚡️ Appreciate that the symptoms you are experiencing are part of your body’s survival response
⚡️ Consider how your body is not failing you here, but rather working to protect you
⚡️ Recognize that this is all linked via inflammation + your personal burden of stress
⚡️ Understand how the simple work proposed in today's class is how you reduce symptoms already showing up in your cardiovascular system (including your heart + arteries!), AND it's the same work as slowing down what is driving heart disease in the first place.
Wednesday July 26th, 9am Alberta time
1.5 hours
$25 for the class
Free to those in the GoodFood Network
Replay available until the end of July
Recipes provided too