Interested in keeping heart disease and strokes at bay? Cholesterol levels a bit too high at last check? High blood pressure worries keeping you up at night?
This class is for you. The VITALITY Sessions: HEART is a workshop aimed at giving you the tools to help support your ever lovin heart and all of its circulatory components. Imagine working at improving circulation, and eating to protect the heart and vessels. Imagine curbing those cholesterol levels, and keeping that blood pressure in check. Imagine reducing inflammation, supporting longevity and ensuring vibrancy for your heart.
Join Luka Symons, local Holistic Nutrition Practitioner to garner important foods, spices, teas and elixirs as well as lifestyle tips in order to best support your heart and the entire cardiovascular system. Luka will demo a few recipes you can easily follow in your own kitchen. You will receive a handout with 5 recipes aimed at supporting this integral organ, helping support a healthy and happy heart. Let's go over how best to nourish your cardiovascular system, and make it a delicious adventure!
This is a special class being put on by the fine folks at the Cremona Community Engagement Site. If you are interested in attending the class, please contact the team at 403.337.4277, or send an email to
I look forward to seeing you there!
Interested in hosting a similar class for your community, group or wellness team?
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