Monday Morsels: Sleep Troubles Support #4


Let’s continue to build your grocery list with those foods that can help support good quality SLEEP - a pillar in Keeping Well.

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This week, we focus on a harder-to-find food that will bring you benefits in spades. Read up for tips on how to source some locally, and why you’d want to have this in your meals!

Add this one to your list: NATTO.


Understanding that your sleep is governed by the pineal gland, it stands to say that nourishing and supporting this important organ needs to be at the top of your to-do list, should you wish for good quality sleep. There are estimates that over 60% of the North American population struggle with deposits of calcium on the pineal gland - this has the potential of slowing down this important organ’s function. Vitamin K2, found in high amounts in this funky ferment, helps to move calcium out of the pineal gland, de-calcifying things and allowing the pineal gland to better make melatonin again.


There is a brilliant protein-busting enzyme available in Natto - it’s called nattokinase. This enzyme helps break down inflammation, as well as any plaque build up in blood vessels. So think of this as an anti-inflammatory help, along with being a circulation and blood-supporting nutrient. Where you can help support smooth blood flow, especially to the brain, you will be helping keep that whole machine running in tip-top shape, allowing your body to naturally support optimal sleep.


Anywhere you can consume foods that will help sway a happy microbiome, you’ll get a vote for sleep. Fermented foods help sway your microbiome in a positive way. When this works happens, you can now better get the nutrients like tryptophan out of the foods you’re eating (check last Monday’s post on this). With a happy microbiome, now you can also better make serotonin out of tryptophan. Serotonin is the building block of melatonin! And melatonin? Why that’s the hormone that allows you to sleep like a teenager.

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IMPORTANT INFO: Those who are currently taking blood thinning medications need to check in with their medical team first before adding Natto in to their diets, because of the way it can sway healthier blood flow. This is a delicate balance to keep you alive, so check in with your team before starting to eat natto!

WHERE TO FIND IT: if you find yourself in Calgary, lucky you, we have a local company making Natto according to traditional Japanese preparation methods. Ely and Megumi Ross, are the lovelies behind Kiyoko Fermentation. Find their products on the shelves at places like Bruhe in Ramsay, The Light Cellar in Bowness, and Lotus Herbal in Elbow Park, SW.

If you are outside the Calgary city limits, then I encourage you to get in touch with your local health food store, and request they start carrying natto on their shelves if they aren’t already. This stuff is GOLD!

Struggle with sleep issues? I’m throwing a Vitality: SLEEP class, coming up in November. Find the full details here.