Monday Morsels: Histamine Help #3


Listen. Things are shifting around here.

With the changes to algorithms on social media channels, and the desire to bury content there in the hopes of offering you one-sided information only, I am moving my weekly Monday Morsels column to the blog.

Probably something I should have done a long time ago.

In the interest of offering science-backed information on how the real food can support you through Keeping Well, I want to make sure you’re able to access this information. Best way: sign up for the (now) weekly newsletter.

I’ll be posting a short blog write up here every Monday, where we focus in on one specific food to add to your grocery list, keeping the month’s main topic at hand. A link to this will be included in every weekly newsletter, making sure you don’t miss the good info.

For September, we’re zeroing in on how Holistic Nutrition can be of support to someone struggling with possible histamine mediated issues.

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We are building our low histamine grocery list one histamine-busting food at a time!

Add this one to your list: NIGELLA SEEDS.


Thymoquinone (TQ) is the main active component of nigella seeds, and nigella seed oil. Preliminary studies are showing some protective effect of this seed on the mucosal lining of the gut (ok in rats, but someday maybe in humans?). TQ helped lower histamine release in the gut where there was known gut leakage. What's at the root of histamine troubles for some? LEAKY GUT. 


Nigella is a brilliant anti-inflammatory herb. What's at the root of many troubles with histamines? Chronic inflammation!


Nigella seed has been studied for its protective effect on the Central Nervous System. In mice (someday humans I hope!) studies show that this potent seed enhances the work of GABA, a calming neurotransmitter. 

Check out your favourite health food store to get a live, non-irradiated product in order to glean the benefits of this potent seed. Look for Nigella Seeds or nigella oil. They are sometimes labelled Kalonji seeds (traditional Indian name), black seeds, or Black Cumin Seeds. My fave spots where I see it all the time: at The Light Cellar, and Amaranth Whole Foods in Arbour Lake.

I have also seen nigella seeds in honey, from Shaganappi Grocer here in Calgary. 

And hey - they grow into the most beautiful flowers. Annuals here in Calgary! Grow your own + harvest the seeds!

Not sure how to add them to your diet? Hit me up below! I'll share some quick tips.

In passing - 50% off sale on my Vitality: HISTAMINES class for the rest of the month. Empower yourself with ways to feel better, should histamines be a tricky thing for you!