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The Real Food REDUX - in 3 parts

  • Private Online Group Coaching Class (map)
Real food redux banner.png


This three part series is an online Group Coaching program, with the main purpose of empowering you to make your kitchen your #1 ally.

These are some mighty tumultuous times.

Let's get you working on in-sourcing some of the work of keeping well, the work of protecting and nourishing your immunity + overall health.

Making that move to Real Food is at the core of this program – and it is this real food, this concept of JERF (Just. Eat. Real. Food.) that will best support resiliency + robust health in our current clime. Your first strategy to help any and all ailments will always be to reach for Real Food.

And this is how we do it.

Join in 1, 2 or all 3 parts of the program:

  1. The PRACTICAL – learning the ins + outs of what exactly I mean by Real Food; how to make your way through the grocery store, stocking pantry, fridge + freezer. Running dates: September 12 - October 10 / 2020. CLASS ALREADY UNDERWAY. Registration closed.

  2. The JUICY – those four pillars of Keeping Well: navigating fats / food-as-medicine / digestion-as-key / the gut as ground zero. Running dates: October 31 - December 5 / 2020. Registration currently underway. CLASS ALREADY UNDER WAY. Registration closed.

  3. The ACTION – the way to put those pieces we've covered into play, week to week. Two weeks will zero in on Batch Prep, the next two will focus on Meal Planning. Running dates: January 9 - February 13 / 2021. CLASS ALREADY UNDER WAY. Registration closed.

All classes are already underway. This will run again in the fall of 2021.

Let’s get you Feeling Real Good!

Let’s get you Feeling Real Good!



"It was easy to incorporate little changes and notice a difference. No need to go whole hog at once." - L.

"I loved the combination of videos and blog posts so you could really absorb all the new learnings. Extra reference links allowed for deep dives into topics or new recipes to try. And the videos – how I loved the videos! It was like having Luka in my kitchen educating me, making me laugh, and cheering me along in this food discovery." - C.F.

My primary goal was no-more-heartburn. I am happy to report that for the first time in 2 years I HAVE NO MORE HEARTBURN!” - M.C.

Earlier Event: August 30
Free Info Session for Fall Group Classes
Later Event: September 12
RFRedux part 1 - the PRACTICAL