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Work with me!

I’d love to be your cheerleader + help you on your Wellness Journey.

Scroll down for testimonials and kind words from clients, to get a sense of what you get when you work with me.

I offer personalized one-on-one consultations to help make your kitchen your #1 ally in maintaining robust health.

My work is steeped in the power of good food + real food choices while keeping it practical. My approach is through the lens of traditional foods, with a dose of good fun. Choose from individualized one on one support, take a guided program or work within a group setting! Let’s put the You in Good Food + You so you can Feel Real Good!

Individual support

Discovery Session

This is a live online consult that serves as an opportunity to hear some of your story, and to find out about my services. In this 30 minute session, we'll touch on how we could navigate through your very unique situation.

Cost: $30

Click here to book in.

Let’s get started!

A full 90-120 minutes personalized one on one online consultation with me, Luka, where we dive deep into your main wellness goals, taking note of your personal health history, struggles + triumphs. This initial meeting ends with personalized recommendations to get you started towards reaching those goals with four to six months’ support to implement the ideas presented. 5 x 45 to 60 minute accountability calls included, to help keep you on track + motivated!

Cost: $238 a month for 3 months (includes GST); covers 6 months of work

To book in, fill out the waitlist form here.

(Current wait time: 5 weeks.)

Ongoing support

A series of 45-minute personalized consults to help adjust the program, and make new recommendations in order to take you further on down your Wellness Journey. Could also be stand-alone 30, 45 or 60 minute sessions to clarify or craft a series of recommendations.

Cost: varies.

To book in, please fill out the waitlist form here.

(Current wait time: 2 weeks.)

Online Programs - on-demand

Explore the full range of on-demand classes I have on offer. From learning how your marvellous body works, to full on cooking series and recipe-only programs, there’s something for everyone! Click on the image to find out.